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About #WeMarch & Black Friday


We live in a country in which we as the people feel like second class citizens. Our parliamentarians no longer have the trust and admiration of the people. We all want to see a better Bahamas for all Bahamians regardless of our social status, political affiliations, educational background and religious views. We are tired of being divided and conquered every five (5) years by political parties. The time has come for us to realize that when we are united, parliament will listen and carry out our instructions. We must remind our MPs that they work for us. That the power of the people is greater than the people in power.


As this movement grows and spreads around the country to every resident, expect resistance and attacks from those that want to maintain the status quo. Don't let those people that want the status quo to remain to spread propaganda. Don't even respond to them. This movement isn't being organized by any political party and it's not anti any party or anti any local business. We are marching for a better Bahamas for all residents. No more division and petty politics. We all want our country and our land back. We want to see where our tax money is going and have government(s) accountable to us. We all want crime eradicated. We all want to live in cleaner communities, breath clean unpolluted air, drink unpolluted water and swim on unpolluted beaches. We all want a better Bahamas where who you know doesn't make your life better off than everyone else on the work and dreams line. Whenever a march is called, we will stand up for our country, our businesses, our natural resources, our workers, ourselves, our grandparents, our parents, our children and our grandchildren. We will show Parliament that business owners are fed up with the high cost of living just like customers. That family island residents are just as Bahamian as anyone in New Providence. That we want to own our economy and industries. That we are not afraid any more!


Over the last 20 years or more, our people have been convinced that we cannot speak up, stand up or question. The worst things happen to us as a people when we fail to stand up together and be heard. November 25th's Black Friday was the first of several national statements on behalf of THE PEOPLE OF THE BAHAMAS. We have been ignored by our parliamentarians for far too long... #WeMarch until they return the power to the people! Until then, we march on and we march together to a common loftier goal.


#WeMarch for ANDROS and every other island of The Bahamas

#WeMarch for our fisheries, sand, salt, forestry and every other natural resource

#WeMarch for a VAT Report and the millions of missing tax dollars

#WeMarch for a Junkanoo-Carnival report and the promotion of Bahamian culture

#WeMarch for Bahamar & Sandals workers and workers all over The Bahamas

#WeMarch to unseal the Bahamar case

#WeMarch for Crown Land Reform

#WeMarch for a Decentralized Government and empowerment of Civil Society Orgs

#WeMarch for Education Reform

#WeMarch for Our Small and Local Businesses & Our Economy

#WeMarch for Public Transport Reform

#WeMarch for Civil Service Reform

#WeMarch for Animal Rights

#WeMarch for Clean/Green Energy Reform

#WeMarch for Political Reform

#WeMarch for Immigration Reform

#WeMarch for Gender Equality

#WeMarch to return power to the people

#WeMarch to have the dump moved

#WeMarch for clean air and water tables

#WeMarch for our Unions

#WeMarch for our Teachers & Schools

#WeMarch for the 52,000 unemployed Bahamians

#WeMarch for health care

#WeMarch for everyone

Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland.

March on to glory your bright banners waving high.

See how the world marks the manner of your bearing!  

Pledge to excel through love and unity.


           Pressing onward, march together to a common loftier goal;
           Steady sunward, tho' the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal.

           Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland,
           'Til the road you've trod lead unto your God,
March On, Bahamaland.

The National Anthem of The Bahamas





Our route: Leaving Clifford Park/Western Esplanade areas along Bay Street to Pompey Square at 10am on Tuesday.




Our fight isn't with the PLP and don't let any FNM, DNA, UPM or PLP sell you that propaganda. Truth is, many old time PLPs are quite involved in We March.

Why we organize these marches:

We are fighting for a better Bahamas for all Bahamians. Every Bahamian should be able to afford the best for their family regardless of who's in power. Every Bahamian should be able to see where our tax dollars are going. Every Bahamian worker should, in a reasonably short time, receive every single entitlement due to them. Every Bahamian should be able to start a business and stay in business while seeing reasonable profits. Every foreign investor should be limited to leasing our land. Every Bahamian should be able to express themselves respectfully and peacefully.

Divided vs. United:

We March isn't about any one person, any one religious view, any one island, any one family name or any one level of social status. We March is the epitome of our national pledge... 'Forward, Upward, Onward ... Together'. Political parties have divided us as a people in the past. Anyone that is about division isn't about a better Bahamas. We must call them out for trying to divide us and demand that they unite us and set aside petty politics for the greater good. I expect the PM and members of his Cabinet to express their support of the people standing up to what we perceive to be oppression. I expect Fred Mitchell to issue a voice note encouraging Bahamians to support both events.

Who's Bahamas is this anyway:

This isn't a PLP Bahamas, a Sunshine Boys Bahamas, an FNM Bahamas or an Eastern Road Bahamas. This is, as of Black Friday, a Bahamas for all Bahamians that want to contribute to a better Bahamas for all.

On that note, it's time we all ask the Members of Parliament, the respective candidates for the 2017 elections, the business owners, the Church, the various Associations around the country, our senior citizens that brought about Majority Rule, civil servants and the many high ranking officials to BREAK RANK and stand with the Bahamian people on January 10th.

The Black Tuesday route:

Our march will not cross paths with the divisive Bradley-PLP march on Majority Rule Day. We won't bus constituents in. We won't rent a crowd and we won't offer anyone liquor to attend. There won't be any DJ music and there won't be any political rhetoric. There will be Bahamians who have had enough, standing up in the thousands for the country to see that a lot of people are dissatisfied and want to begin a new era.

The dawn of a new era:

This movement is the spark of a new era. This movement represents a new direction. This is a movement of people united in love and service. A movement that proposes a shift in government focus from petty politics to people and community development.

See you all on January 10th at 9am at the usual meeting hole with your placards bearing any of the following hashtags:

#WeMarch #UnitedPeopleDay #EnoughIsEnough #NewEra #NoPettyPolitics
#IMarchWhenWeMarch #JunkStatus #MajorityAreNotRuling #BreakRank#StandWithThePeople #NoMoreOppression

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